
"...breathe in to the count of four....exhale to the count of eight..." Yesterday was our second hypnobirthing class. Yesterday was about the importance of pre-bonding with our baby (I love the poem that we had to read to the baby, it's at home but will upload it here tomorrow, InshaaAllah), the different breathing techniques and selecting the right care-provider. Oh and we also watched another 2 hynobirthing videos. I have to say, I love the birthing stool the most. It looked comfortable and easier than lying on the back the traditional way. AJ and I have yet to select where we are going to birth the child. We are going to, soon, but for now we have other things to settle first. I think my pregnancy is going well, Alhamdulillah. and I pray that it will go smoothly throughout. "When fear is not present, pain is not present"- Grantly Dick-Read