
Showing posts from September, 2014

Nothing to wear (seriously)

I am running out of clothes to wear. I cannot fit into ANY of my pants. And everytime I want to buy new clothes I get paranoid that I won't be able to wear them long because I will just get bigger. I'm not pregnant enough to start wearing maternity wear...  Suggestions...anyone? :(


Z just made me realise how big, NO, HUGE 2014 has been for me. One: I got engaged in January (25th January 2014) Two: I got a job in April (1st April 2014) Three: I graduated officially in April (I can't remember the date) Four: I got married in May (3rd May 2014) and officially moved out from my parents' house Five: Pregnant in June Six: Got confirmed in my current job in August (18th August 2014) Alhamdulillah. And these are just the big ones...there are also those other countless blessings...I should be more grateful...I've been complaining a lot lately. :(


Yesterday I suddenly realised that at the age of 27, I do not really have any savings. I mean, I put away money here and there but I haven't actually consistently saved money for future purposes. It was not until I found out that I was pregnant that my husband and I decided to start a baby fund (but then, that's for the baby so I still do not have my own savings). So yesterday I decided to make a change, and really save for my future. I am finally going to consistently put money aside for my own future, as well as continue the baby fund that we started. I realised that if I don't put away the money, I will end up spending it on unnecessary stuff.  I'm going to be strict on the way I spend my money from now on. I don't make a lot, so I have to be smart. Of course I will still make sure I have some to enjoy life, but going to be more serious about where my money goes.  Here's to managing my future better. Yes Iqa, you can do it. Good luck to me. ...